Children Connecting The World appreciates any and all donations made to assist in growing and fulfilling our mission. We are a 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization. This means that any donation given to CCTW, is tax deductible. If you have any questions or concerns involving donations or if you would like to know more about where your donation will be used, please feel free to email us anytime.
In-Kind Donations
Children Connecting The World also accepts In-Kind donations which will be used to continue our mission. In-Kind donations can vary from supplies, services, and any other item donated to CCTW that is not a monetary donation. If you have any questions or are interested in In-Kind donations, please email us anytime.
Children Connecting The World's mission relies heavily on support from the public and our communities to continue and to fulfill our goals. You can assist the CCTW’s mission from anywhere in the world by hosting a fundraiser in your community, with your company, at school, or by creating your own online fundraiser. If you have any interest in running a fundraiser for CCTW, please email us to discuss anything we can do to assist you.
Children Connecting The World would not be able to perform any of our programs without the help of volunteers. We are always in need of more volunteers for areas including but not limited to: Fundraising, Marketing, Presentations, and Communications. Please email us with any interest in volunteering with us.
Questions/Concerns regarding donations, in-kind donations, and fundraising: